The Holy Spirit's Role in Evangelism
The is a lot of talk in modern evangelical churches about the Holy Spirit and not all of it is helpful. It is not uncommon for people to talk or sing things like, "Let the fire of Holy Spirit fall on us" or "Come Holy Spirit, revive us again" or other similar things. I was in a church meeting the other day, and the pastor had written (in Thai) on a handout, "This is the age of the Holy Spirit. We all are living in this age. The Spirit is ready to move in the lives of Christians if only we give the Spirit the opportunity to work in our lives."
I want to ask, what exactly does it mean for the Holy Spirit to move in people's lives? What does it look like to have the fire of the Holy Spirit fall on someone? And isn't it our Sovereign God who takes the initiative in our sanctification, changing our hearts to respond and be transformed? Is the Holy Spirit really sitting around, wringing his hands, waiting for us to ask Him to fall on us? I am hard pressed to find any Biblical reference to needing to call the Holy Spirit to fall on us again and again or to light us (or the land) on fire, as it were. Sure, it happened at Pentecost but that was a rather unique event that was initiated by God, not the apostles. From that point in history, believers are henceforth indwelt with the Holy Spirit from conversion onwards (Eph. 1:13-14).
How does the Spirit move in evangelism and revival? In Ephesians 6, Paul clearly indicates that the Holy Spirit uses the Bible to make the Gospel known, and the Holy Spirit works through the words of the Bible when it is boldy proclaimed as it ought to be (Eph 6:20). The Holy Spirit blows where he will, changing people's hearts to recieve the Gospel (John 3:8) in preparation for the Word of God that comes to them in the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ boldly proclaimed. "Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." (Rom. 10:17)
Let us not waste our time in singing vague lyrics like "let the fire fall", "let the river flow" and so forth, but rather pray for the bold proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and get on with opening our mouths and telling people the Gospel.