Thai New Testament on MP3 - Free Download

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

Thai NTThe vast majority of Thai people can read but that doesn't mean that everyone likes to read or is really good at reading. Faith Comes By Hearing has a great selection of MP3 New Testaments available for free download, including Thai. The Thailand Bible Society has one for sale for about 300 Baht but I prefer the non-drama recording available here much better - no "borrowed" movie theme music at the beginning of each chapter, and no echoing feedback voice for the sections of text when angels speak. Since it is free download, I burn it onto CDs (it fits onto two 700 MB discs) and give it to Thai folks who indicate an interest in listening to Scripture. Not everybody likes to read and some people enjoy listening to Scripture more. Personally, I find it slow to read Thai so sometimes I listen to the Thai NT MP3 file while following along in my Thai Bible. It also helps me hear the pronunciation and rhythm of speech which, as a non-native speaker, I wouldn't necessarily get just by reading silently.


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