eBook: “Daniel McGilvary: Pioneer Missionary to Northern Thailand”

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

I am not a big fiction reader, but I love biographies.  Especially missionary biographies.  Inspiring stories. Spiritual wisdom. Exotic locations. Missionary biographies have it all.  About 10 years ago, I began reading the massive autobiography of Daniel McGilvary, titled, “A Half Century Among the Siamese and Lao.”  It was a fascinating read, although at 400+ pages, it took me a while to get through.

McGilvary had a fascinating life and ministry.  In 1867, he arrived in Northern Thailand  where there was not a single Christian believer.  But in the 40 years that followed, he saw the church there grow from zero to over four thousand believers at the time of his death in 1911.  How did that happen?  What did he do? How did God use him and circumstances to bring about such a great harvest?  To answer those questions, I've written a mini-biography of this great 19th century servant of Christ.

“Daniel McGilvary: Pioneer Missionary to Northern Thailand” is now available for $0.99 for Kindle and other eReaders, and $3.99 in the print edition. Whether you are out on the mission field or serving the Lord closer to home, I think you’ll find this mini-biography to be both encouraging and inspiring.

To get your copy, head over to the Amazon Kindle Store, or follow any of these links:

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