What Should We Do About ISIS? 11 Constructive Recommendations
The majority of posts and articles that I see about ISIS (Islamic State) in Iraq and Syria are about how awful they are. And they are truly awful and barbaric. But I have yet to see many constructive suggestions for how to address the situation, other than “Take ‘em out!” or something similar. But we need to do more than just sit around and say how bad they are, or debate about whether they represent true Islam or not.
In the spirit of offering constructive solutions, the rest of this post contains recommendations for both state and church actions that should be taken, written by a Christian brother who has experience in the Middle East and is currently working with Muslims. He has given me permission to share these here:
- The Jordanians and Emirates should immediately equip aircraft loadouts with fewer dumb munitions to avoid collateral damage. If they're too expensive, countries like Saudi Arabia should help provide them to avoid the appearance of Western manipulation.