Joshua and Karl Run Chiang Mai Marathon 2024

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

In January 2024, Joshua and I (Karl) set a goal to run the Chiang Mai Marathon in December. We started training more seriously starting in August and on Dec 22, 2024, we ran our first marathon. The Chiang Mai Marathon starts at 3am because it is cooler than running during the day. The first half was fun, the second half was tougher, and the last 6 miles (10K) or so was somewhat painful. But a good experience overall. Would recommend. Would do again. And I am glad that my son and I could train and do it together (although we didn't finish the actual race at the same time).

To watch a short video (less than 1 min), scroll to the end of this post or click here to watch on YouTube. If you prefer photos, enjoy the following pics from our marathon experience.














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