Red Shirts on the Move

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

As red shirt protesters swarm into Bangkok, blocking roads and surrounding military headquarters, I have been fascinated to watch the developments unfold on Twitter.  An assortment of foreign journalists, local expats, and Thai people on the ground are constantly tweeting (i.e. sending updates via Twitter) about the latest movements of the red shirt protesters.  While the up-to-the-minute updates are mostly reports of where the red shirts are now, you also get a fair amount of commentary from foreigners and Thai alike on how they feel about what's going on.  Here's a screen shot of the Twitter feed on the topic of #redshirts: 



I am not supporting any side in the current political debate but think that it is fascinating to read the updates on how things develop.  I am inclined to think that following the protests in Bangkok via Twitter may actually be more informative and more interesting than watching TV news.


If you're interested in tracking the red shirt protestors via Twitter, sign up for a free Twitter account and then do a search for "#redshirts" (without the quotes) in the search box on the Twitter homepage.  Doing a search in this way will bring all the tweets (i.e. updates) on Twitter that are using the hashtag #redshirts (a hashtag is a keyword with the # sign in front of it)


What are the Red Shirts protesting?

For those who are just now tuning into the world of Thai politics, there is a brief but informative article over on the Pioneers website giving a bit of background to the current events.  Alternatively, you can watch the video clip below from AlJazeera English news.



If you have trouble viewing the above video clip, watch it directly on YouTube


Are You Safe?

And for those who may be concerned about our family's safety, our town (Phrabat) is a good two hour drive from Bangkok, well away from the unfolding events  Here's a Google map showing our town (Point A) in relation to Bangkok (Point B)





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