Joshua Unwraps Gifts

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

Mommy and Daddy each had a few gifts but Joshua was the big winner as far as Christmas gifts this year. Actually, we hardly bought him anything all, but other people, especially Grandma, showered gifts upon our little man. Last year, Joshua didn't know what to do with gifts except stare at them and tap the box but this year his ripping and tearing skills were much better developed.

Joshua tears into his first gift from Grandma

"This box is much harder to remove than that wrapping paper. I just want my train."

With some unboxing help from Mommy & Daddy, Joshua finally gets his train out of the box and goes to town

Joshua talks on his new cell phone while tearing into another gift

Joshua got "Mr.Bear" from a little girl at church. With three AA batteries in the bottom of his plastic raft, Mr. Bear paddles in circles on the floor, complete with flashing orange headlights and an indecipherable song than plays in a loud endless loop. This Winnie the Pooh rip off is a big hit with Joshua.

Joshua checks out the genuine article Winnie the Pooh that Daddy got for him. It appears that Joshua is examining something unusual on Pooh's backside.

"Uh, what's in the bag, Dad?"

Looking into an empty plastic bag, Joshua feigns disinterest in the exciting wooden car that Daddy got for him as Daddy removes the tag.
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