I'd Rather Get a Shot

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

We took Joshua to a Thai hospital the other day to get his BCG vaccination (against tuberculosis).  It is a rare vaccination in the States but all Thai children routinely get a BCG at birth because TB is much more common in this part of the world, especially in less developed neighboring countries like Laos and Cambodia.  Joshua took the needle in the arm quite well and cried for only a moment.  He is quite a trooper when it comes to injections.  However, if you try to wipe his nose, it's a completely different story.  He has had a runny nose for about a week and if you try to approach him with a tissue to wipe his face, he violently whips his head in the other direction.  If you can actually grab hold of him long enough to wipe off the snot running down his face, he screams bloody murder as if we were trying to torture him.  I find it quite interesting (read "strange") that he takes shots so well but not having his nose wiped.  Then again, I suppose I don't see the world as a seven month old does.
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