First Meal, First Time Sitting Up, Almost First Tooth

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

This has been a big week of firsts for Joshua.  For the past month and half, he has been doing some serious teething and for the first time the top of one tooth is just barely starting to poke through.  You can hardly see it, but when you put your finger on his bottom gum, it is jagged and hard.
Also, Joshua has progressively been able to sit up by himself and finally he can stay somewhat steady on his own without us holding him in place.  Granted, it is not all that steady and is likely to flop over after a minute or so of sitting up but at least he can do it for a minute!  With his newly acquired sitting up powers, we stuck him in a high chair and gave him his first taste of food today.  He has been on a strick mommy milk diet up until now but has been hanking for some of what mommy and daddy are having for a while now.  We boiled some rice until it was really really mushy and gave little bits on a spoon.  He took to it like a duck to water.  The spoon was barely to his mouth before he lunged forward and clamped his mouth around the spoon and sucked on it.  Maybe he just wanted to suck on the spoon, but we'd like to believe that he wanted the food.   So, we kept feeding him the rest that was in the bowl and he ate it all.  More rice for the boy tomorrow.
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