June 2009 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .



Dear Friends & Family,

We were hoping to join forces with two other Christian families in Nong Doan but their church in Bangkok says they need more training first and is not ready to release them for full-on church planting in Nong Doan.  They do have permission to start a mid-week fellowship group or Bible study of some sort but are currently too busy to commit to that.  This has been a disappointment but postively, Khempawn, one of the Christian men in Nong Doan called me up to ask if I was still interested in doing English teaching there.  He is in the process of sounding out interest in the community and two or three children have expressed interest already.  He has a sign posted at his family’s food stall and in the bus that he drives between PhraBaht and Nong Doan.  When he has 10 children, he’ll give me a call and we’ll get started.  Pastor Jareun of PhraBat church has told me that there may be one or two young men from the church that can help me and there is also a young man from Lopburi who may be able to help as well.  I might be able to pull it off on my own but the help would be appreciated and be a good opportunity in service and discipleship for these young men as well, if they can do it.  What I would really like to see is the two Christian families in Nong Doan have a part in this so that there is a connection between the kids and parents coming for English and the local Thai Christians.  Please pray that this would get off the ground and be productive in sharing the Gospel, both through the English teaching times themselves and through the relationships built through the classes.

In Phrabat, we are waiting still on the neighborhood committee to get back to us about using the community center across the street and the best day and time for the kids English teaching.  They have even said that they would make some announcements and do some advertising for us within the community.  I told them I would be using Bible stories as part of the teaching and they said that that would be fine.  We’ll be away near the end of this month, so it would be great if this could start up early July.

Starting June 20th, we will have a short-term worker with us for six months.  Karl will be mentoring him as he learns and serves, doing some English teaching for evangelism and explores whether God is calling him to the mission field longer term.  We look forward to having Brent Meyers with us and pray for God’s work in his life.

We ask prayer for the Phrabaht church congregation, where many members have long standing issues, especially broken relationships with one another and a lack of basic Christian discipleship.  Currently, there are some moral failure issues that also need attention. Lack of unity among the church leaders complicates matters as well.  Pray for us, and for Pastor Jareun, as we seek to love the people.  

We both have language checks this month.   Sun wants to sit her 3rd year exam before the new baby comes in September and Karl would like to do his exam by the end of the year, if not sooner.  Karl especially needs to give some extra attention to correcting some wrong pronunciation patterns.

Thank you for praying with us and for us, and for the Thai people.

by Christ’s grace,
Karl & Sun Dahlfred



Beginning English teaching outreach in Nong Doan and in our neighborhood
Reconciliation between Phrabaht church members
Sun’s pregnancy
Uncle Dek still in hospital
Weekly Bible study with Chaat & Muay in Nong Doan
Perseverance and progress in language study


Sun’s pregnancy progressing well
Progress in Thai language study
Potential for English teaching evangelism in Nong Doan


6/4 Karl language check
6/11 Karl & Sun Anniversary
6/12 Sun language checks
6/14 Karl preach Phrabat Church
6/18 Prenatal check-up, Bangkok
6/20 Pick-up short-term worker
6/26-30 OMF Annual Conference


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