August 2010 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .


Joshua and Caitlin playing at home in a couch cushion houseDear Friends & Family,

This month we don’t have any major events going on but we continue to plug away with everyday life and ministry.  

Karl is preaching at PhraBaht church once a month as we work our way through the books of the Bible over the course of a year, more or less.  We are also making occasional visits to the Blessing of Ayuthaya Church, 1.5 hours away, where Karl preaches.  One of the church leaders there is a young man whom Karl used to disciple many years ago in Phitsanulok.

More locally, we both press on with visitation and discipleship.  With each of the people that we are trying to meet up with, it seems to be an “on again, off again” situation in terms of their availability.  We highly prefer consistency but we take it as it comes, and keep praying for people, for the Lord’s work in their lives, and that opportunities to get together with them actually happen.

One significant change is the departure of Tam from the Lopburi Youth House student ministry.  Tam had been helping with kids club on Fridays and Karl & Tam had worked together organizing ministry with the short-term team that was recently here.   Quite suddenly, Tam announced that for personal reasons, he was resigning from the student ministry and left the next day.  We are praying for God’s continued work in his life as he applies to go back to school to study English and elementary education.

On a different note, Joshua and Caitlin are doing well.  Sun has begun some home school activities with Joshua in the morning and Caitlin has begun to walk (VIDEO).  Joshua usually gets on well with Caitlin and enjoys playing with her although there are plenty of moments where he makes it known that he misses being the center of attention.

As we look at our calendar, we are continually awed by the fact that our home assignment is coming up so quickly.  In just a few short months, we will wrap up our current missionary term in Thailand and return to the U.S. for ten months.  As our plans currently stand, we will be in New Hampshire from mid-Dec. 2010 to mid-January 2011, and then in Southern California from mid-January 2011 to mid-October 2011.  So, we are starting to make arrangements for storage, flights, housing, transportation, church & personal visits, and speaking engagements.  Our time in New England will be especially short (1 month) so making appointments early is important.  If you want to see us, book now :-)

Please keep us in prayer as we continue with local evangelism & discipleship yet at the same time prepare for our up coming home assignment.  We feel like we are entering a Twilight Zone of transition between two different worlds.

Continue also to pray for Thai Christians and the Thai church.  For more prayer points for Thailand, click here

Thank you for your faithful support, prayers, and encouragement as we serve in Thailand.

by Christ’s grace,
Karl & Sun Dahlfred


  • Discipling Thai Christians
  • Evangelism in Nong Doan
  • Growth of Thai church (both numbers and maturity
  • God’s guidance for Tam as he moves on from ministry at the Lopburi Youth House


  • Preaching and discipleship opportunities
  • Joshua enjoying starting home school


8/8 Karl preach at PhraBaht Church

8/12 OMF Prayer Meeting

8/15 Karl teach Sunday school at PhraBaht

8/29 Karl preach at Ayuthaya Church

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