April 2014 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

DField Trip to Bangkok Protestant Cemeteryear Friends & Family,

Every day and every week seems to be very full for us as we plug away at the responsibilities that God has given us in Thailand. Please pray for us and for the Thai people as God moves forward his plan for Thailand one step at a time.

Homeschool Week

At the beginning of March, our whole family joined with other missionary families for a homeschool week at OMF’s guest home in Bangkok. The kids enjoyed themselves, especially the time to play and interact with other children. Since they are learning at home with Mom most of the time, it is helpful to attend these OMF-sponsored homeschool weeks every 6 months to help our kids learn how to better learn and function in a school group.

Baby John

As of this writing, baby John is more than 6 months old and we praise God for helping our family to adjust to being 5 instead of 4. He is almost crawling and is a ball of wiggly energy.

Grace City Church Plant

In our last letter, we told you that Grace City Church, the church plant we are involved in, was starting weekly worship at the end of January. It seems that I got my dates mixed up and we are actually starting on April 27th. We have a core group of about 10 to 15 people, and some non-Christians who come somewhat regularly. Pray that God would give strength, wisdom, and Gospel-focus to the group of 4 men (including Karl) who are responsible for leading this group, and to the group as a whole as we learn how to live as a church community and as witnesses to those around us.

Bangkok Church History Field Trip

As part of his “Thai & Asian Church History Class”, Karl recently took his BBS students on a local field trip to the Bangkok Protestant Cemetery where many early 19th century missionaries are buried, and then to Samray Church, the first Presbyterian Church in Thailand, founded in 1849. It was a nice change of pace from sitting in a classroom and the students seemed to enjoy the chance to see firsthand some of the people (well, their graves at least) and places that we’ve been learning about.

More Evangelism Needed

Between the seminary, the publishers, the church plant, and raising a young family, Sun and I don’t get out beyond these circles very often. As a result we don’t know a lot of non-Christians with whom we can share the Gospel. We do have opportunities here and there as we are out and about, but we’d like to do more. Karl was running regularly at the park and had some chance to talk to people, but has not been back there since protestors started occupying it in November 2013. Pray that God would help us discover more ways to get to know people with whom we can share the Gospel.

Thanks for your prayers and support

by Christ’s grace,
Sun & Karl Dahlfred


  • Grace City Church weekly worship starts April 27th
  • More evangelism
  • Time in the Word and prayer


  • Family adjusted to Baby John, who is doing well
  • Semester at seminary progressing well


3/30       Karl preach at Wattana Church English service
4/6         Karl preach New City Fellowship Church
4/13-15  Thai New Year’s
4/27       Grace City Church starts weekly worship


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