February 2015 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

Dear Friends & Family,

Thanks for praying for and supporting us in this new year as we serve Christ in Bangkok.  I want to briefly update you on the prayer points from our previous letter and then provide some other items to continue to remember in prayer.

New Believer at Grace City Bangkok

In December, we asked you to pray for the Christmas event at Grace City Bangkok church plant.  We had good attendance and we praise God that a particular young man who came to the Christmas event recently professed faith in Christ.  Pray for “Sound” to grow in his newfound faith in Christ.

Joshua at the Lord’s Table

Also in the area of faith, we asked you to pray for our kids to have genuine faith.  Our oldest, Joshua, has been showing some signs of faith for a while and was recently interviewed by the elders at church.  On February 1st, he was welcomed to the Lord’s Supper upon his credible profession of faith.  We praise God for his work in our son’s life.

Balancing Our Lifestyle

We also asked you to pray that Sun & I would get more sleep, exercise, Bible reading and prayer.  We are still working on getting enough sleep, but I have started running again regularly, and Bible reading and prayer is improving (somewhat).  Please pray for a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes what is most important so that we can be most effective in ministry and glorifying to God in the long run.

Pakistani Family

In recent years, masses of Pakistani Christians have flooded into Bangkok, fleeing persecution by Muslims in their homeland.  They come seeking asylum from the United Nations in hopes of relocation to a third country.  They have little way to support themselves and are in a legal limbo as the Thai police don’t always honor their official asylum seeker status granted by the U.N.  There are too many needs to help everyone, but many Christians and churches are trying to help some.  Our family is getting to know Asad and his extended family, and have visited with them a few times, and I recently opened God’s Word with them.  Please pray for these Pakistani believers in Bangkok, for both their physical and spiritual needs to be met, and that Thai churches and missionaries would have wisdom in knowing how to best help.

More Men Needed

The majority of Thai Christians are women and there are many churches that lack sufficient mature men to take up leadership roles in the churches.  Our little church plant is no different.  Currently, there is a team of 3 missionaries (including myself) and 1 Thai serving as elders/pastors at Grace City Bangkok.  Please pray that God would raise up more godly Thai men to take up their God-given roles and that we would know how to best disciple the men in our midst.

Budget Increase in 2015

We finished 2014 at 94% support, and our new 2015 support need for life and ministry is higher due to inflation, growing kids, insurance, exchange rate, etc.  Thanks for everyone’s support and pray for the Lord to provide the additional support needed for 2015.

by Christ’s grace,
Karl & Sun Dahlfred


  • Growth of Grace City Bangkok Church
  • Exercise, spiritual disciplines
  • Pakistani refugees in BKK
  • Men in Thai churches
  • More financial support for 2015 budget year


  • New believer at Grace City Bangkok church plant
  • Joshua welcomed to Lord’s Supper


2/1 Karl preach Grace City Bangkok

2/13-15 Grace City BKK church retreat


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