July 2016 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

Dear Friends & Family,

The worst of the hot season has passed, and our family is enjoying the cooling rains of rainy season, despite some flooding in our road and an occasional leak in our kitchen roof.

After the school year ended at BBS in June, we were able to get away for a family vacation in June for a couple weeks. I (Karl), however, took the first week of that vacation to do some Thai church history research in the archives at Payap University in Chiang Mai.  I am honing in on a research topic in hopes of applying for a Ph.D program to begin some time after our home assignment in the States next year (Feb-Aug 2017). The school where I teach, Bangkok Bible Seminary, has encouraged me to pursue a Ph.D and I would like to do so because the knowledge gained would enhance my teaching in Thailand in the long-term. I’ll let you know if there are any major developments on this front. Please pray that God would grant wisdom and guidance to us in this matter so that the way forward is clear.

Positive Feedback on Thai Catechism

In our last prayer letter, I told you about the new Thai Christian Catechism that my co-worker Dr. Natee and I have written. Initial response from Thai Christians has been positive with comments like, “It is easy to read” “That is really clear.” Kanok Bannasan has been selling the catechism and reports that sales have been good, with many individuals, some churches, and at least one bookshop ordering copies. Dr. Natee is teaching through the catechism at church, with the videos posted online in hopes of other churches benefitting as well. If interested, you can find them on YouTube by searching for “Grace City Bangkok Thai Catechism"  

Dr. Natee Tanchanpongs teaches the Thai Christian Catechism at Grace City Bangkok church

Kids Corner

This month, I asked ten year old Joshua to contribute to our prayer letter. He writes, 
“Caitlin and I have to do homeschool work and we have chores.  And what do you do if you are running out of time!? I also am having some trouble finding time for my creative writing.  Here’s a sample: "As soon as Zarbo left the room he started toward his eagle-drawn coach filled with his provisions. There was just enough room for Zarbo. The coach was soon high in the sky, then Zarbo noticed a duck-drawn boat floating in the ocean below him-(etc, etc.)" I also am having some trouble finding time for the Dahlfred Weekly (the family newspaper). I also need to find time for Minecraft.” 

draft version of Joshua's family newsletter

Head-On Collision

No, we didn’t have a car accident. One evening in early July, just before bed time, two-year old John ran full steam into the wall and split open his forehead. There was lots of crying initially, and more crying later as he was being sewn up at the hospital. But ten stitches later, he seemed to be his normal self, smiling again, and ready to go home (see photo). After an initial flurry of concern, Joshua took a glass half-full view on the event, "Daddy, now you have something to put in the prayer letter!” And behold, I do.

Please continue in prayer for Grace City Bangkok, for God to increase the church in numbers and spiritual maturity, and to raise up more Thai leaders.

by Christ’s grace,
Karl & Sun Dahlfred



  • Grace City Bangkok Church to grow in numbers and spiritual maturity
  • a church member who is (still) under discipline
  • Plans for 2017 home assignment and Ph.D


  • Positive feedback on Thai catechism
  • John only got 10 stitches


7/10 preach at Grace City Bangkok

7/17 preach in Ayuthaya

8/15 New school term starts at Bangkok Bible Seminary


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