October 2018 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

Dear Friends & Family,

Greetings from bonnie Scotland! After a productive and busy summer, we are all back in Edinburgh and into the swing of life, school, and ministry. In this letter, we want to give you a brief overview of what we are doing, what’s coming up, and how to pray. 

Back to School

Sun and the kids came back to Edinburgh in early August so that the children would be ready for the start of the Scottish school year on August 15th. Caitlin and John are now both in elementary school and Joshua is in 7th grade, the first year of high school in the Scottish system. They are all getting on well but it has been challenging to make friends so if you pray for them, you could remember the need for good friends.

Karl has also gone “back to school” as the new academic year has begun at the University of Edinburgh. However, since he was doing archival research most of the summer, it doesn’t feel like going “back” since he never really left his work during the summer. He returned from Payap University Archives in Thailand with a veritable mountain of photocopies, which he is now reading through, taking notes on, and adding to Evernote in order to organize his data and prepare for writing. In light of what he is learning, he is also revising his outline for the thesis, shuffling around information like a jigsaw puzzle to see how to best fit it all together. Please pray for clarity of mind, discipline of time, and dogged determination.

Payap University Archives

Sun's Ministry

Now that our kids have all started attending local schools, some people have asked what Sun is doing with her time. Among other things, she is spending time building relationships with the other international women who live nearby. She has been really successful in inviting them to an international women's group held at a local church on Wednesday mornings, where the ladies practice English and do other activities. Please pray for these on-going relationships. We'd love to be a blessing to those around us and see people embrace the Savior.


We are always thankful for God’s provision through so many of you but our outlay for studies this year has been more than expected after a grant that gave us $12,000 for tuition last year only gave us $2600 this year, and has now closed up shop. Please pray with us that we would have sufficient resources for tuition and living expenses for the duration of our time in Edinburgh, probably another two years.  

Local Ministry in Edinburgh

Sun has started helping out with a Friday morning toddlers & moms group at our church and the both of us will start teaching children’s Sunday school at the end of this month. Karl will speak twice this month on “Christianity in Thailand,” at a church mission weekend near Glasgow and at an evening lecture series at a bible college in Edinburgh. And Karl is up for the first time to preach at our church’s Sunday evening service at the end of the month.

Thanks for your interest in our lives and ministry, and thank you for your prayers and support as we serve God during this season in Scotland and look ahead to Thailand.

by Christ’s grace,

Karl & Sun Dahlfred


family selfie at airport August 2018


  • Continued Ph.D progress
  • Local outreach and ministry 
  • Financial Provision
  • Growth of church in Thailand


  • Fruitful summer in Thailand
  • Ministry opportunities in Edinburgh
  • Kids getting settled into local schools


10/8 ~ Karl gives lecture on Thailand at Faith Mission Bible College

10/13 ~ Karl present on Thailand at church mission day near Glasgow

10/28 ~ Karl preach Buccleuch Free Church



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