June 2021 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .

Dear Friends & Family,

Many people ask me about our progress in getting back to Thailand and I will talk about that in a moment.  But first, I want to talk about Thailand a bit to inform your prayers.

Thailand and COVID-19

Until recently, Thailand has escaped relatively unscathed with deaths at less than 100 and cases in the thousands. But just this past month, Thailand has had a surge with over 150,000 cases and over 1000 deaths reported by the end of May. Every province has somewhat different restrictions and many schools, churches, etc. have been pushed back to online only. Many people are very scared.  Although death by traffic accident is statistically MUCH more likely in Thailand, which has the second-highest per capita road fatality rate in the world, it is not driving that people are afraid of in Thailand, but Covid. And because people are in fear, we need to pray for them. Regardless of why people are afraid or whether their fear is justified, the reality is that people are afraid and they need the hope of the Gospel. God never promised us safety in this life although we all pray for it and are often blessed with safety in various forms. There are real dangers in this world, whether it be infectious disease or traffic accidents, and we need to hang on to the hope that God is in control and that He is watching over us, to protect us for His glory and our sanctification and joy in Him. We will all surely die some day, but only at the time of God’s choosing. 

Motorcyclists in Thailand, 2021

Please pray that Christians in Thailand will have peace and confidence in God’s sovereign care and power over them, refusing to be afraid no matter what happens (or might happen). Please pray that He will enable them to hold out to their neighbors the hope of our good God and Father and security in Jesus Christ in the midst of fear and uncertainty. 

Thailand is beginning to roll out COVID shots but it remains to be seen how that will affect the situation, including people’s perception of risk and border restrictions.

Thailand Visas & Financial Support

We are glad to report that we got renewed passports back from Uncle Sam, and OMF Thailand is going forward with processing our visa applications. This could take a number of months.

Since last time I wrote, we’re gotten several one-time donations and a couple of pledges of monthly or quarterly support, so we’re heading in the right direction to make up the gap in our budget. 

Please pray with us because a conservative estimate of our support need is an additional $1000/month in pledges.  Please pray with us that as we communicate with people and churches that God would raise up the partners that we need to get back to the field.  In the spirit of OMF’s founder, Hudson Taylor, we don't solicit financial support directly, but rather share with people about Thailand and our missionary work there, only providing financial details commensurate with interest. In other words, if you have questions, please ask! Our philosophy is to be generous with our time to build up people in their faith and service to the Lord through informing them about the needs of Thailand and encouraging them with news about how God is at work there. We want to see people increasingly involved in cross-cultural missions, both at home and abroad, regardless of whether they support our particular ministry. And somehow, if God wants us back in Thailand, He will provide for us along the way.

We were blessed when Thai friends came to visit us in Florida.

Friends, Guests, and Travels

Recently, some Thai friends came to visit and this month we are looking forward to attending their wedding in Atlanta, as well as visiting friends and supporters on the gulf coast of Florida and in South Carolina. At the end of June, Karl will attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, the denomination in which he is ordained. We’re not sure how long we’ll be in the U.S. but we hope to see many of you while we’re here. Thanks so much for standing with us as we try to get back to ministry in Thailand.

 by Christ’s grace,

Karl & Sun Dahlfred



  • Please pray God will provide an additional $1400/month to meet our support budget goal for 2021 (this money needs to be pledged before OMF will give us the green light to return to the field)
  • May God’s people in Thailand not be afraid and may they faithfully hold out the Gospel of hope and peace to others.
  • Advance of the Gospel in Thailand, including training of leaders at Bangkok Bible Seminary and discipling of believers at Grace City Bangkok church


  • New passports received so visa applications can go forward
  • Opportunities to visit friends and supporters
  • New financial support (both one-time gifts and monthly or quarterly pledges)

To Pledge Monthly or Annual Support, Please Visit OMF International


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OMF International
10 W. Dry Creek Circle
Littleton, CO 80120

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