August 2009 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .



Chris reviewing vocab at Nong Doan Kids ClubDear Friends & Family,

The most enjoyable aspect of ministry this past month has been our evangelistic kids club in Nong Doan.  As we’ve begun to go through major Old Testament stories, starting with creation and the fall, it is exciting to know that some of the foundations of a Biblical worldview are being absorbed into these young minds.  While it is an evangelistic ENGLISH kids club, our focus is on the Bible stories and the whole thing is rather English-lite.  Each week, we introduce some English vocabulary that corresponds to the Bible story (i.e. “flood” “boat”  and “die” for Noah’s ark), practicing that vocab, and using it in a game.  But the Bible story is always told in Thai with review in simple English later on.  Every other week, Thai student worker Tam joins us for kids club and does a superb job telling the Bible story and interacting with the kids.  We need more like him.  On the weeks that Tam is not available, I (Karl) tell the story in Thai but it doesn’t compare with an active engaging Thai storyteller like Tam.  Tam is also an up and coming preacher.  I’d love to have him on a church planting team at some point down the road.  It has also been great to have short-termer Brent and missionary friend Chris coming to help with the kids club.  We haven’t gotten much help from the PhraBaht church so it is great to have some guys that I can rely upon.

In language study news, Sun has been plugging away in finishing her writing assignments in preparation for her third year Thai language exam on August 13th.  I know that she will do fine but all the same, Sun will feel greatly relieved once it is done.  Her goal has been to sit the exam before the new baby comes. I (Karl) have put language study on pause for a few weeks as we host a short-term team from Redlands Church in the UK.  They are helping with local outreach in Phrabaht, and some children’s activities in Nong Doan and Lopburi.

Baby news: We are now going to Bangkok every two weeks for a pre-natal check up as the due date (Sept 21) comes closer.  Sun is big and uncomfortable.  She is not a fan of long car rides.   Next pre-natal check is Aug 25th.  From Sept 1st onward, we will be staying at the OMF mission home in Bangkok, waiting for the baby and making weekly trips to the doctor for check-ups.  Health: so far so good.  Pray for healthy and safe delivery for mommy & baby.  Hopefully we won’t need to have a C-section this time.

The church discipline situation at PhraBaht church that I mentioned in our last prayer letter has not really changed although emotions have calmed down.  Lack of desire to know the truth and lack of unity among church leadership makes it difficult to procede.  Still praying for the Holy Spirit to work humility, repentance, and a desire to obey God in holiness in the lives of the concerned parties.

Our short-term worker Brent is now moved into PhraBaht and out meeting people - at the market, at the internet shop, and at the soccer field.  The folks at the internet shop are helping him study Thai and asked for Bibles. 

Thank you for praying with us and for us, and for the Thai people.

by Christ’s grace,
Karl & Sun Dahlfred

Get regular updates, quotes, and Bible verses by following us at

Kids club evangelism in NongDoan
Resolution to messy church discipline situation at PhraBaht church
Healthy and safe pregnancy
Weekly Bible study with Chaat & Muay in Nong Doan
Perseverance and progress in language study for Karl & Sun
Brent Meyers learning Thai and getting to know people in PhraBaht

Sun’s pregnancy progressing well
Sun sitting 3rd year Thai exam
Kids club evangelism in NongDoan

8/5        Sun language check
8/8-21   UK Short Term Team
8/9       Karl preach PhraBaht church
8/13     Sun 3rd Year Thai Exam
8/14     Open Air Evangelism, Lopburi
8/25     Prenatal check-up, Bangkok


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