September 2009 Prayer Letter

Written by Karl Dahlfred on .




Sun pregnant with baby #2Dear Family & Friends,

We are staying at OMF’s mission home in Bangkok now to be closer to the hospital as the arrival of baby#2 draws closer.  Due date is Sept 21st and we are now going for weekly doctor’s visits.  No matter what way Sun sits or lies down, she can’t quite get comfortable. The baby is boxing, kicking, flipping, and spinning around in there, ready to come out anytime now.  Sooner is better, according to Sun.  We’ll send out an email update when the big event occurs.

We are keeping ourselves busy here in Bangkok, doing some reading and working on various projects as we wait for baby.  Karl is cataloguing books in the OMF mission library and writing some blog entries to post later while Joshua is having a good time at the little playground on the mission home premises.  Sun is trying to get some rest and catching up on reading.

Just before we left PhraBaht to come down to Bangkok, a fellow missionary volunteered to run the kids club in Nong Doan in our absence.  Rene Aeschimann and his wife have a heart for ministering to kids and I am glad for their help.  Thai student worker Tam is also continuing with the kids club work and I am grateful for his love for them, and joy in telling them the great stories of the Bible.

Last month Sun sat her third year Thai language exam, thus completing the formal language studies required by our mission.  We rejoice in God’s grace that strengthened her to push through and complete this before the baby comes.  If she hadn’t finished it now, it might have been quite some time before she would be able to get back to it again, due to the new baby.  Formal studies are done but learning never ends, so we both have many more years of Thai learning ahead of us.  Karl has just a little bit more study to do before he too will sit his third year exam, hopefully later this year.

Praise God for a short term team from Redland Parish Church (Bristol, UK) that we hosted this past August.  It was a blessing to have their help with some children’s activities in Nong Doan, as well as at PhraBaht church.  We believe they had a good experience and enjoyed their time here.

In August, Pastor Jareun and I started visiting a man in Nong Doan, teaching some chronological Bible lessons.  He says he was part of a church in Bangkok and had been baptized there but his grasp of essential Christian truths seems shaky so we continue to teach through Scripture, discuss these things with him, and pray for God to work understanding and faith in his heart.  Please pray for Ting as Jareun visits him alone while we are away.  Ting has been coming to church in PhraBaht regularly but does not have a regular job as a chronic condition of the nervous system prevents him from working.

If anyone has some web expertise and time, Karl could use some assistance with our website, particularly SEO and working out some bugs.  Familiarity with CSS and Joomla would be a plus.

Thank you for praying with us and for us, and for the Thai people.

by Christ’s grace,
Karl & Sun Dahlfred

Follow our updates

Kids club evangelism in NongDoan
Healthy and safe pregnancy & delivery for Sun & baby
Ting to understand and embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Jareun visits him to teach Bible
Perseverance and progress in language study for Karl when we get back to PhraBaht
Short termer Brent Meyers learning Thai and learning about missions

Sun’s pregnancy progressing well
Sun passing 3rd year Thai exam
Kids club evangelism in NongDoan

9/10 Karl visit Bangkok Bible Seminary
9/14 Prenatal check up
9/21 Baby #2 due date



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